Three fundamental legal areas of our office

Office of notarial acts of solicitors, City of Ermesinde
Located in the city of Ermesinde, to help you with all matters.
Monitoring from the preliminary stages to the completion of the acts. The Solicitor is, in this case, a special entity of the Portuguese notary.
All services, one place.
Commitment, zeal, urbanity and ethics.
Legal decisions can be difficult and complicated, so it is important to have an approach based on correct information.
Solicitors intervene in several areas, namely the judicial mandate under the Law, verification under the terms provided for by OSAE, condominium administration, attorney, representation, etc.
Enforcement Agent
Rigor, deontology, care, empathy and commitment.
The Enforcement Agent, being a private independent professional, performs public and social functions. Our aim is to resolve disputes and apply the law. Payment of a certain amount, Delivery of a Certain Thing, De facto Installments, Evictions, Notifications and Citations.
Say no to Illicit Prosecution
Law no. 49/2004, of 24 August
In Portugal, only Solicitors and Lawyers are qualified to provide advice, exercise their mandate, represent and assist in justice, and are registered with the respective professional associations. Always ask for a professional certificate!
Check here our registration with the Order of Solicitors and Execution Agents
Get in touch
Rua Fontes Pereira de Melo, no. 100
220133972 (call to national landline network)
967772782 (call to national mobile network)